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Corporate Social Responsibility

WMP started its operations in 2006, and the aim was to develop the mining industry and contribute to the development of our country's economy. From there up to date, a lot has been achieved and many lives were impacted by then.

the company has the social corporate responsibilities where by families are given mutuelle de sante, houses are renovated; survivors of the genocide against the Tutsi in 1994 are helped with different utilities as well as other cases etc..

ECD Program at WMP Gifurwe

Childcare is one less thing to worry about when I am inside that tunnel,” says 39-year-old Thacienne Nakabonye, pointing at the marked entrance of a Wolfram quarry on a hill overlooking a nearby steep valley.

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Gender Monitoring Office award

Certification by GMO regarding gender equality award with GOLD gender seal for their outstanding achievements in promoting gender accountability Certification by GMO regarding gender equality award with GOLD gender seal for their outstanding achievements in promoting gender accountability.