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The Rwinkwavu mine sector is located in the Kayonza District in the Eastern Province. It is reached by the Kigali-Kabarondo road (94 km), then take the kabarondo – akagera road (11 km), The area of this concession is 8,250 ha and Currently the Rwinkwavu mine operated by the company WMP Ltd, extends over Six Sectors namely the sector of Rwinkwavu, Mwili, Nyamirama, Murama, Kabarondo and Gahini, all of the district of KAYONZA in the province of the EST. mining concession distributed in 7 zones of activities which are: Gahengeri, Gahushyi, Nyarunazi, Rutonde, Kibaya, Gihinga and Migera. All of zones are extracting only cassiterites. The discovery of the Rwinkwavu deposits by the GARGARATHOS brothers dates back to the 1930s. Mining began in 1939 by MOSS, RIDELL, De BORGHRAVE and GASTRELL and was streamlined in 1942 by the DMPG, then in 1945 by GEORWANDA (a branch of GEOMINES Co of Zaire). The oldest logging data currently available dates from 1945.


The discovery of the Rwinkwavu deposits by the GARGARATHOS brother’s dates back to the 1930s. In 1964, A. Slatkin (Israel Institute of Technology) presented the study, where she divided the Sn mineralized veins into three groups. The most interesting are,


Due to the important primary mineralization is distributed close to the axis of the anticline, and veins grouped in irregular bundles of up to several hundred meters wide and of very variable length, up to 700m. some veins are oriented obliquely.

Minerals treatment

Separation of heavy minerals when deposits are alluvial or orebody usually needs some sort of washing or screening. In both cases, gangue minerals (like quartz) must be separated from valuable metallic minerals, cassiterite. Gravity separation methods use differences in density